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On our work​


Kaiser J.

Mystery hepatitis cases in kids linked to unexpected viral suspect

News. Science (2022)


Cyranoski D.

Alarming COVID variants show vital role of genomic surveillance

News. Nature (2021)


Nelson MI.

Tracking the UK SARS-CoV-2 outbreak

Perspective. Science (2021)


Lo SW and Jamrozi D.

Genomics and epidemiological surveillance

News & Analysis. Nature (2020)


Pennisi E.

Chimps and bonobos had flings—and swapped genes—in the past.

News. Science (2016)


Hoelzel AR.

The road to speciation runs both ways

Perspective. Science, 354, 414-415 (2016)


Hawks, J.

Earlier mixture from modern humans into Neandertal populations

Weblog (2016)


Gibbons A.

Modern human females and male Neandertals had trouble making babies. Here’s why

News. Science (2016)


Stringer C.

A comment on ‘Ancient gene flow from early modern humans into Eastern Neanderthals’ paper published in Nature

Press Release. Natural History Museum (2016)


Gibbons A.

Humans mated with Neandertals much earlier and more frequently than thought

News. Science (2016)


Callaway A.

Evidence mounts for interbreeding bonanza in ancient human species

News. Nature (2016)


Callaway A.

Ancient European genomes reveal jumbled ancestry

News. Nature (2016)


Green RE and Shapiro B.

Human Evolution: Turning Back the Clock

Dispatch. Current Biology, 23, R286-R288 (2013)


Stillwell, RJ and Berry MJ.

Expanding the repertoire of the eukaryotic selenoproteome

Commentary. PNAS, 102, 16123-16124 (2005)


Schmutz J and Grimwood J.

Fowl sequence

News & Views. Nature, 432, 679-680 (2004)


Mulley J and Holland P.

Small genome, big insights

News & Views. Nature, 431, 916-917 (2004)


Driscoll DM and Chavatte L.

Finding needles in a haystack: In silico identification of eukaryotic selenoprotein genes

Literature Report. EMBO Reports, 5, 140-141 (2004)


Sergi Castellano

Genetics and Genomic Medicine Department
Great Ormond Street Institute for Child Health


Zayed Centre for Research into Rare Disease in Children

20 Guilford Street

London, WC1N 1DZ, UK

Office 2.7

+44 (0) 203 978 3753

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©2024 by Sergi Castellano

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